About our paintings
1.It is 100% hand painted with quality oil paints by my professional painting artists
2.Size: 50 x 60, 60 x 90 and 90 x 120cm and other sizes are always available
3.More similar images, styles and designs are available
4.The paintings will be photoed and e-mailed to you for approval when they are completed. We will make modifications if you are unsatisfied with any point of them
5.All the products will be inspected carefully before delivery
6.It is packaged with paper corner, clear shrink wrappings, bubble-wrappings and individual cartons, then it is strong enough to protect the paintings from being damaged
7.It is used for decorating walls of the halls, hotels, living rooms, cafes, restaurants and bedrooms
8.The oil paintings can show the owners high taste and it always create an elegant atmosphere for the rooms
Looking forward to cooperating with you!